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Friday, April 22, 2022

Poet takes her work to the people

Rising author and poet Vongai “Larrey” Masuka on Saturday hosts the second edition of Chitungwiza Poetry Convergence in St Marys, to promote social interaction through art.

Masuka said that the event will be held under the theme Promoting Social Interactions connects artists and the society at large.

“As an artist, who draws inspiration from society’s observation, I developed an understanding that society needs to be taught certain issues through art. This is what motivated me to come up with Chitungwiza Poetry Convergence,” she said.

“Chitungwiza Poetry Convergence brings together artists to share ideas and teach society certain issues through our artistic talents using words, voices and our bodies through dance.”

Masuka said she would be hosting similar events in the coming months.

“The success of the first edition held in February encouraged us to host the second edition of the Chitungwiza Poetry Convergence. We are trying to recognise talent not only focusing on poetry, but also on drama and music,” she said.

Masuka’s poems mainly focus on societal issues which affect women and teenagers.

“Through my poems I try to bring out how men neglect women soon after a child is born and also how religion has affected children as some teenagers are forced into early marriages because of religious practices,” she said.

With about seven years of writing experience, Masuka has been rewarded for her exploits by Impact7 Trust as Best Female Poet for the past seven years. She has also partnered other poets in an anthology titled Loud Thoughts launched in 2019.

Afro Poetry Times