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Friday, December 16, 2022

A 150-year-old poem that is still relevant

Whilst there probably isn’t a Poem of the Year, one columnist believes this year’s choice of words really could be considered to be summed up in the Emily Dickinson poem that is best known by the first line “Tell all the truth but tell it slant -”, 

The poem which is believed to have been written in 1872, but some experts argue may well have been written much earlier actually has no title as Dickinson chose not to give it one and is always referred to by its first line. 

It was not published until 1886, after the poet’s death. It could, however be said that this 150-year-old poem really speaks to us today in 2022.

What is it that columnist Chris Schillig believes makes this poem’s words resonate so clearly with us all this time later? 

Well, it’s still as important now as it was then to be diplomatic when it comes to speaking the truth. 

“Slant” is often key when it comes to telling the truth. Many a partner will have used this tool when facing the dreaded question, “How does this look” or “do you like my new dress/hairstyle etc.”. 

The world may not collapse as a result of the truthful answer to these questions, but a relationship may certainly find itself on the rocks without slant.

In essence, what Dickinson’s poem does is speak to those who have not been dazzled by promises that are false and serves to remind those who have on how they should speak. 

We live in a world of dissatisfaction where people are far less uncomfortable about the idea of speaking out, but there is something to be said for reigning in opinions and keeping more extreme views to oneself just as much today as 150 years ago.