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Thursday, September 21, 2023

BOOK REVIEW: Edge of Here: Stories from Near to Now by Kelechi Okafor

Publisher: Trapeze
Date: September 14, 2023
Genre: Fiction
Language:  English
Where to find it: Waterstones, Amazon.

Kelechi Okafor

Kelechi Okafor is a writer, presenter, actor and tour de force in challenging how we think about race and femininity in tandem, and is a regular media contributor. Her podcast “Say Your Mind” is centered around the reclaiming of self through an unflinching observation of society. 

Kelechi is also published in the illustrious anthology, It’s Not OK To Feel Blue edited by Scarlett Curtis, and her short story is included in the Who’s Loving You anthology, published by Orion Books in 2021.

Book Review

Edge of Here Stories from Near to Now by Kelechi Okafor

Enter a world very close to our own… One in which technology can allow you to explore an alternate love-life with a stranger. 

A world where you can experience the emotions of another person through a chip implanted in your brain. And one where you can view snippets of a distant relative’s life with a little help from your DNA.

But remember: these experiences will not be without consequences . . . In this stunning debut collection, Kelechi Okafor combines the ancient and the ultramodern to explore tales of contemporary Black womanhood, asking questions about the way we live now and offering a glimpse into our near future. 

Uplifting, thought-provoking, sometimes chilling, these are tales rooted in the recognisable, but not limited by the boundaries of our current reality-where truth can meet imagination and spirituality in unexpected ways.

Allow yourself to be taken on a journey into worlds that are blazing with possibility, through stories that will lead you right up to the Edge of Here . . .