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Monday, October 30, 2023

New book gives you an energetic guide to landing your ideal job in any market

In his coaching manual for job applicants, author Parker delivers an energetic, helpful, and thought-provoking guide to improving job-applying skills. 

The book offers a methodical strategy for success in the job search process, from assessing marketability to mastering the interview.

One of the book's strengths is Parker's sharp and forceful tone, which sets it apart from other wishy-washy self-help books in the genre. Job seekers are often overwhelmed with advice on resume writing, interview skills, and understanding potential employers. Parker cuts through the noise and provides clear and practical guidance, using graphics, bullet points, and anecdotes to convey information effectively.

The author's emphasis on the importance of understanding one's marketability is particularly valuable. He encourages readers to assess their skills and qualifications relative to the demands of the job market. By adopting a "limitless mindset," job seekers can position themselves as ideal candidates for their dream positions.

Parker covers every aspect of the job search process, including resume formatting, researching companies, and mastering the interview. His advice on interviews is especially insightful, reminding readers that they are essentially selling themselves and their credentials. He warns against common mistakes such as being unaccommodating during scheduling, asking irrelevant questions, and talking too much instead of listening.

Throughout the book, Parker supports his points with anecdotal examples that make them relatable and easy to understand. This approach helps readers connect with the material and see how it applies to their own situations.

Overall, Parker's coaching manual is a valuable resource for job seekers looking to improve their chances of success. Its energetic tone, helpful strategies, and thought-provoking insights make it a must-read for anyone seeking to enhance their job-applying skills.