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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cape Town teen's poetry collection offers hope and reflection

Jaydin Donough, a 19-year-old author from Athlone, has released his debut poetry collection, "Shadows of The Heart: Poems of Love, Life, Loss, Struggles and Innocence," offering a powerful reflection on the challenges faced by youth in the Cape Flats.

The collection, a compilation of 50 poems, serves as a testament to Donough's talent and his desire to use his voice to inspire and offer solace to others. He began writing poetry as a means to escape his own struggles, finding solace in the power of words to express his emotions and experiences.

"The book is dedicated to those who suffer from depression, struggling with anxiety, trying to pick themselves up when it feels like they are in a dark hole," Donough explains. "My teachers first noted that I have a talent for writing and told me to go further with it. What is happening in my area also motivated me, such as gangsterism where innocent lives are being taken and drug dealers preying on young children."

Donough emphasizes that poetry is subjective and everyone will interpret his work differently, drawing upon their own personal experiences. "Shadows of The Heart" explores themes of love, life, loss, struggle, and innocence, offering a raw and honest glimpse into the realities faced by young people in the community.

Donough, who self-published his book on Amazon, is currently working on a novel he hopes to release before the year's end. Despite his success, he recognizes the limitations of online distribution and seeks to make his work accessible to everyone.

"I am trying to find ways to get the book printed for those who are not fortunate enough to order it off Amazon as technology is not in the hands of everyone," Donough explains.

Beyond his writing, Donough contributes to his community by assisting at an Early Childhood Development Centre in Athlone and conducting home visits. He invites anyone who wishes to support the printing of his book to contact him at 0698810951.

Donough's story is a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can find strength and purpose through creative expression. His poetry serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, there is beauty to be found in the power of words.