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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Joy of Books Festival keeps South African poetry and literature attractive

When they foun­ded the Joy of Books Festival last year, an East Lon­don duo not only cre­ated a plat­form for local authors, poets, artists and book lov­ers to con­nect, they are cre­at­ing a cul­ture of read­ing.

Claire Mac­don­ald and Jen Bryson Moorcroft pro­moted read­ing in other organ­isa­tions and schools when they decided to use the lit­er­ary gath­er­ing to collect books and donate to those in need in the Buf­falo City Metro.

Thanks to the impact of their work on the lives of those who have been on the receiv­ing end, the duo was nom­in­ated for the 2023 Local Her­oes awards by The Cancer Con­nec­tion’s Sam Ram­say.

Ram­say’s char­ity is among those who have benefited from Mac­don­ald and Moorcroft’s dona­tions.

The Joy of Books Fest­ival is the brainchild of former teacher Mac­don­ald who cre­ated it in memory of her aunt who had a passion for read­ing and adored chil­dren.

After Mac­don­ald thought up the concept, she approached theatre maker and play­wright Moor­croft, who became the fest­ival’s cre­at­ive dir­ector.

Moor­croft told the media last year that the fest­ival aimed to “cre­ate a pos­it­ive space to cel­eb­rate all things lit­er­ary, to encourage and inspire oth­ers to share their pas­sion and cre­ativ­ity”.

The lit­er­ary fest­ival deb­uted in July last year and a second instal­ment was held in Decem­ber, cel­eb­rat­ing everything from books and poems to the art of storytelling, theatre plays, authors and writers.

The duo also launched the plat­form as a fun­draiser to buy and col­lect books to donate to other projects in the metro.

They have col­lec­ted and donated books to ini­ti­at­ives and schools such as Fig Tree School in Brak­fon­tein, Fun­dasana and Frere Hos­pital’s pae­di­at­ric onco­logy ward through The Can­cer Con­nec­tion.

Mac­don­ald said their ini­ti­at­ive quickly gained sup­port from book stores and organ­isa­tions which have donated books to them. These include Bar­gain Books, Masithethe and Pan Mac­mil­lan.